Family Action.

150 years of helping to shrink family monsters.

In a time of huge uncertainty, and with so many important causes competing for our attention, we often overlook what’s closest to home: family. Almost 38 million Brits say they are affected by family pressures such as money, health, and spending quality time together – and 61% of them say they don’t know what to do about it. In response to this startling research carried out by Family Action, we were asked to help raise awareness of the 150 year old charity, and create a campaign to fight the stigma around family problems in the UK. 

Since 1869, Family Action have been working to relieve the everyday struggles, big and small, faced by families in the UK. Like monsters, these pressures sometimes hide in the dark and grow when we don’t talk about them. From this premise, we developed the Family Monsters Project for Family Action’s 150th anniversary campaign. The campaign aimed to help families find ways to talk about and face their pressures together, encouraging people to open up about their issues (big or small) and seek help from their support network - family and friends, health professionals or organisations such as Family Action. The film was a key component of the campaign, aiming to spread the message that talking about our challenges - our 'family monsters' - is the first step to managing and overcoming them. Because if we don’t talk about our monsters, they grow and grow.  

The Family Monsters Project started a national conversation. As a result of the campaign, The Duchess of Cambridge agreed to launch Family Action's FamilyLine. The film received coverage in national, regional and trade press including ITV, The Telegraph, Elle Magazine and The Mail Online, with over 200 pieces sharing the film to households across the UK.