How Conscious Brands Do Business Differently

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We are thrilled to share a recent collaboration that saw Jonathan Trimble, Co-founder and CEO of And Rising, join Adweek for an engaging and thought-provoking podcast session. Jonathan took this valuable opportunity to delve into the intricate world of conscious brands, sharing insights from our extensive work promoting positive impact and founder wellbeing. The episode serves as a testament to our commitment at And Rising to not just participate in the conversation but to shape and influence the narrative around brand consciousness actively.

Listen to the podcast here. 

Adweek podcast summary: 

Throughout the episode, Trimble sheds light on the evolving narrative of brand storytelling, emphasizing the growing importance of transparency in product origins and sustainability. He articulates that for eco-friendly products to make their mark truly, they must prioritise a best-in-category offer, ensuring that they provide superior alternatives to conventional options.

Trimble passionately speaks about the need for brands to create meaningful connections with their consumers, extending beyond the transactional nature of buying and selling. He envisions a future dominated by regenerative business models, where the impact and well-being of the founders and the community are at the forefront.

As we wrap up the episode, the discussion focuses on the personal challenges founders face in this conscious branding journey. Trimble opens up about the balancing act between staying true to one’s mission and maintaining emotional well-being, highlighting how And Rising is pivotal in supporting founders through these challenges.

Join us in this enlightening episode as we delve into the world of conscious brands with Jonathan Trimble, exploring the possibilities, challenges, and the future of responsible business practices.